Wednesday, January 18, 2017

God is Good

Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.

God is good, God is good all the time for His mercy reaches all who seek after Him. The skeptic will say, “How can God be good when so many bad things happen” To the person who has not experience God’s grace this truly is a quandary. To see God from spiritual eyes, is to see God for who He is. The works of bad things happening is because Satan controls the hearts and minds of humanity. All are born in sin, and all live under rule of Satan. Blinded by sin and following the lust of the flesh. The consequence of sin is the root of all that is bad. When bad things happen it is because sin is the root cause. This is the foundation, but so many other variables play into life’s experiences. Love, faith, and hope is the foundation to understanding who God is and what  He desires of those who serve him. God is good, for God is love, they that believe (faith) in the Son of God are given this love, and through the goodness of God, hope is given for a better tomorrow.  When times become hard and difficult to understand, hope thou in God and know that God is good.

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