Tuesday, October 25, 2016

In Our Weakness

2 Corinth 12:9 “And He said unto me, “My grace is sufficient for thee, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”-

The power of God is able to work in us when we come to the place that we are depended on Him to be our strength. God has given us talents and abilities to accomplish many things, but when we come to the end of our human abilities, God is still there to take it beyond what we are able to do. We must always give our best it whatever we do, but our best is to depend on Him to provide the help we need to go beyond the human. In times of difficulties and hard places when life takes us to a dead end with no where to turn, God’s grace opens a door where there seem to be no door, His grace parts the sea when we don’t see a way out. Sometimes God just has to remove the things we have been leaning on, knock the props from under us, so we can realize that we must have Him to be our helper and strength. In our weakness, God shows us that we can be strong when we put our trust in Him.

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