Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Prisoner set Free

Psalm 146:7-8“…the Lord looseth the prisoners…The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind; the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down;…”

Sin is binding, it shackles us with chains that keeps us from being free to serve God the way we should. A prisoner to sin, we live in bondage to Satan who keeps us trapped by deceiving us into thinking that leaving the pleasures of sin will take the fun out of living. The carnal nature enjoys the lust of the flesh, but the fulfilling the lust of the flesh drive us further into a prison that keeps us trapped. Sin leads to a life style that keeps us from serving God in righteousness. Jesus came to set the prisoner free, He has the keys of life that will give us real freedom. Freedom to worship God is the Spirit of holiness. Freedom to be what God wants us to be. His grace, causes the chains of sin to loosen and break. We don’t have to be a prisoner of sin, we can be set free if we choose to live in truth. He is truth and the Truth shall set us free.

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