Monday, October 10, 2016

Dead to the World

Col. 3:2,3  “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”-

Dead to the world means that the world no longer holds any attraction. We hold on loosely to the material things of life and the temporal. Prestige and earthly power is but a vapor when compared to life in eternity.  Being “dead” in Christ implies that we have been to the cross. Once again, we have made the choice to pick up it up and follow Him, even the death of the cross. Our sins have been nailed, the old man has been crucified, and we are now made alive, a new creature. Being alive in Christ means that our desires and affections are focused on Christ and the teaching of His word. We find pleasure in serving Him and doing His will. Tho the earthly pleasure of this life have some appeal, they are nothing compared to what God has to offer. For in Him is life and the reason we live.

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