Friday, October 7, 2016

Conforming to the Cross

Phil 3:10 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death,”

Conforming to the cross of Christ implies that one also comes to realization that the sin of self must die. The Cross, the emblem to those who bare the marks that they belong to Jesus. “Pick up your cross, and follow me” are the words Jesus spoke to those desired to see God. The cross is not some magical amulet, that we carry around to ward off evil and danger. The cross is an emblem that reminds us that Jesus died for us, giving us the hope of eternal life. We too can take the way of the cross, giving up sin and the things of this world that are in opposition to the way God wants us to live. We go forth daily baring the cross of Jesus showing others that the cross is our hope and salvation. It is the cross, the blood of Christ that was shed on that cross that empowers us to live victoriously. We conform to the cross in our lives, so when others see us, they see Christ.

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