Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Romans 1-3

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth”- It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is able to set  the sinner free from the life of sin. In a world that mocks the faith of Christians and their belief in God’s Word, a Christian that will stand for truth will make no apologies for their faith. There will come a day when every knee will bow at the feet of Jesus and confess that He is Lord, but their confession will be too late. In the face of ridicule and mockery, the righteous man will by faith stand for the righteousness of God and it’s power to give new life to all who will bow the knee of their own free will. (Rom 1a)
“he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and whose circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, and whose praise is not from men, but from God.”- It is the heart that is the issue. Keeping the law and obeying the letter of the law is to be admonished, but the secret to spiritual life is the cleansing and purifying of the heart of men through the blood of Christ. Our acceptance with God is not filter through the judgment of men, but through a God who is all knowing and is able to discern the attitudes and motives of the heart. It is the approbation of God we desire and not the approval of men. (Rom 2)
“for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”- It matters not who your parents are, or your “royal” blood that runs in your family. Everyone born into this world is lost and without God. His grace covers those who have not reach the point accountability, but nevertheless, humanity in all of it’s efforts to obtain God’s favor, still fall short of God’s required atonement for sin. No man is righteous within himself, righteousness come only from God who is holy. But, thank God provision has been made and we can find God’s glory through Christ Jesus. (Rom 3)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Acts 24-25

“When I have a convenient occasion I will call for thee.”- Many of those who live lives of comfort, live life’s of convenience. We like to put things off till it suits our schedule or our mood. In matters that don’t affect eternal choices or life’s journey, it may be just fine to have such care free attitude. But, decisions that affect our eternal destiny, a convenient time may never arise again. Putting off a vital relationship with God is not in our best interest. The Word still speaks, “Now is the time to seek the Lord”. Tomorrow may never come. (Act 24)
“To the Jews have I done no wrong”- Accusations will always be made from those who find fault with your actions. Some accusations are complete made up and others have enough truth in it that it would seem believable. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He desire to do harm to one’s reputation and influences. In many situations, we leave such accusations with God, but there are times when it is right to stand up for truth. Let the Holy Spirit lead if you should stand or let it fall on deaf ears. (Acts 25a)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Acts 18

“expounded unto him the Way of God more perfectly.”- There is always room to grow and learn more about God. Learning to walk with God is a journey with many events and experiences. Having the knowledge that Jesus died for our sins and that through His death we can have our sins forgiven is our first awakening to new spiritual life. The Spirit is faithful to led us, if we are willing to follow into a Way more perfect. The promise of the Father is for all who believe. The Comforter desires to abide in His fullness to give us the power to live a life of holiness. In the human, we our weak and incapable to live more perfectly, but with God, all things are possible. For it is He who give us the grace we need to walk in the Way more perfectly. (Acts 18)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Acts 17

“they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so.”- We must be ever mindful that we don’t believe everything we hear. There are many false prophets that teach doctrine that is not consistent with the Scriptures. There are those who have been deceived by Satan into accepting a doctrine that is not consistent with holy living. When all possible, we should search the Scripture to validate what we hear from the pulpit or from one who says that they are a messenger of God. We must always be diligent and not be led astray by those who desire a form of godliness, but deny the power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from sin and unrighteousness. (Acts 17)
“The times of this ignorance God overlooked, but now He commandeth all men everywhere to repent”- We will some day stand before God to give an account of what we know to be true. God’s judgment is tempered by our ignorance to truth. He is faithful to speak in some form or another to all who live, and God who knows the heart will have the final say. It is our responsibility to respond to truth when it is brought to our conscience. When darkness becomes light, we as Christians are admonished to walk in it. (Acts 17b)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Act 17

“Come over into Macedonia and help us.”- The Spirit is faithful to guide and direct our path. His voice is often heard in various manifestations. Circumstances often dictate the decision we make and the course that we take. The needs of the world are all around us and there is no possible way to answer the call to meet every need, but God often will burden our hearts to hear the call for help, He often will impress on our hearts a burden to assist and reach out. It is so important that we be sensitive to His calling and answer the call when He speaks. (Acts 16)
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”- The most important question that a person can ask.   In light of eternity, there is no greater question that on can ask. Within these words rest the salvation of soul and eternal life. It is the difference between living with Jesus forever, or being separated from God in hell. Ultimately, every man, women, and child who is of an accountable age, will come to this crossroads in their life. The answer comes to people a different ways, but the root of the answer is always the same. Believe in Jesus! This is the foundation of the Christian Faith. Believe in His death and resurrection. Believe in His teaching, believe that He is God in the flesh come to bring salvation to a world of darkness. (Acts 16b)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Acts 14-15

“We also are men of like passions as you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God” It is always dangerous to exalt men, and elevating them to a status of “God” A true vessel of God will rebuke anyone who attempts to let others lift them up. People have an tendency to create heroes and idolize individuals. We must always be aware that it is God who exalts and brings down the statue of man. It is incumbent that we always have an attitude of submission, giving glory to God in all that happens to us and in us. (Act 14)
“And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.”- Who really knows the heart of men except God! Before the Holy Spirit is given, one must believe that Jesus Christ is God and He died for their sins. It is God who knows if one truly believes. A true believer is now in the position to receive the Holy Spirit, making them holy consecrated to serve God. It is not up to man to judge the validity of God’s filling, but God who may choose to reveal it to men, is the only one who can truly vouch that a heart has been purified by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 15)
“the contention was so sharp between them that they parted asunder,”-The Lord’s work often requires that we part ways with those that we have built relationships with. Paul and Barnabas spent a year together working side by side growing in the grace of God and working together in His kingdom. He who knows the working of men’s heart calls those to service for a special task. We must be willing to part company if the calling of God takes us another direction. It is never pleasant to have strong disagreements among those you have develop strong bonds and relationship with. The reality of life is that no one will always see things the same way. It is hard to imagine that Paul and Barnabas could not have worked something out to avoid such a dramatic parting. But, such was the case between these two holy men of God. Nevertheless, I believe that it is almost always beneficial to work out a solution if possible. If this is not possible, then parting may be the only alternative to keep the work of God from become stalemated and contentions. Unity is critical if the work of God is to continue on. (Acts 15b)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Acts 11-13

 “the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning”.- Receiving the Holy Spirit is not indiscriminately given to anyone for the taking. It is for all who are will to be used of God and live a life to glorify God. The Holy Spirit fell on the believers who were filled with the power of God to do might works for Him. The Holy Spirit falls on us to give us the power to live a life that is pleasing to Him and to give us the boldness to do His will. (Act 11)
“but prayer was made without ceasing by the church unto God for him.”- Circumstances in life often put us in situations that are hard to understand. Doing the will of God often will require us to suffer things that we normally could have avoided. How important it is that we pray for those who are going through difficult times. We are often in the dark knowing what God’s will is, but we still need to pray for God to give grace to those who are going through times of trail and tribulation. (Acts 12)
“Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”-   Being singled out for ministry is God’s calling. He has a calling for everyone to be set apart to work His Kingdom. May we be in a spiritual condition that He can call us to work in His vineyard. (Acts 13)
“It was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you. But seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” - The Jews rejected the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ. God gave them their opportunity to repent and turn to God, but their self righteousness kept them from humbling themselves before God. The Gospel light is given to mankind both Jews and Gentiles alike. God is no respecter of person, salvation is to any who will turn to Jesus, but rejection of this gift has it’s consequences. May we always receive His grace with praise and thanksgiving. (Act 13b)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Acts 10

 “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.”- We often get trapped in our own little box trying to figure out how things should be. Influence by our past experiences and training, we see things with a slanted prospective. God does not limit His work in our box, He is not necessarily displeased with our box, but neither does He want us to be constrained and trapped by it’s limitations. Peter had to get out of his own little world and open his eyes to the world that God wanted him to see.  Moving outside of our little world does not mean we throw away the things that God has given us, it just mean we should allow God to expand our horizons and be ready to be led by God even if it means we have to work outside of our comfort zone. (act 10a)
“In truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”- The culture in most parts of the world very often develop into social classes. The hierarchy of social communities give greater privileges to those who have royal blood, money, or who obtained fame. Greater respect and honor are given to those with such position, but in the eyes of God all men are equal. All men are born in sin and are lost without God. God does not favor people based on their wealth or position in life. All is made equal at the cross. All men will bow the knee to Christ, and all men will be judge according to the condition of their heart. (act 10b)