Friday, May 31, 2013

John 11

Experiencing a resurrection is the epitome of our existence. Christ is the champion of Life because He is Life. Outside of Him life is no more than lifeless existence and gratifying the lust desires of the flesh. This mortal fresh shall pass way, but the eternal spirit of the soul shall live through Him. Faith. The key that unlocks the mystery of life is found in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life that can take a person who is dead in trespasses and sin and raise him up to life everlasting.  (john 11)
Our faith often needs a boost. Wanting to believe and actually believing lead to two different ends. But, having a a desire to believe is a start. God can work in a heart that desires to believe. My human tendency is to draw back and think of practical solutions to life and use the resources that God has given us to solve issues and problems. But, there is only so much that can be done in the human, at some point I need the Lord to call out “Lazarus, come forth!” the situation does not look good, hurt and disappointments lead to discouragement. I need God to do a miracle, I know He can, but will He? (john 11b)
On of many paradoxes from the lips of Jesus is dying to live. In order to live a life that is fulfilling, one must first die to all selfish desires and ambitions. To be free to live a life pleasing to God, it is important that we lose ourselves in God. Dying to self is a foreign process and contrary to our human instincts. As Christ gave His life of His own free will, so must we be willing to give our lives if we hope to see life eternal. (john 11c)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

John 9-10

We were all born blind spiritually. The nature of sin that we all are born with puts a shadow over our eyes and we are not able to see the things of God. Jesus came into the world as the light of men to shine the light of God’s love to all who will heed and do His will. He desires to open the blinded eyes of humanity that they may see that they are lost in sin, yet can be healed to see the light of God and receive it. God touched my blinded eyes almost 40 years ago. My prayer is to be able to see how Jesus sees. “Give me more light that I may know how to manifest His love, grace, and mercy”. (John 9a)

When the eyes of our understanding are open, He becomes the whole of our life. We see Jesus, who takes away the darkness and cloud of doubt that causes us to fear and tremble. We believe because He opened our eyes so that the light of truth may enter in. Such wonderful sight, how amazing is the face of Jesus. No wonder we bow down and worship Him. Lord, I believe! (john9b)

The abundant life is given to us by the good Shepherd who is willing to give His life that His sheep may live. The abundant life is found in the pasture of God’s love. Finding this pasture is only gained when one goes through the door of Christ. The door that leads to the abundant life and life everlasting is Jesus. He is the only door given to us by the Father. Jesus desires more for us than just having our sins forgiven, He desires that we gaze in the pastures of land and living a life that is abundantly full of joy and happiness. Such is the life of one who lives for Him. (john10)
Those that call Him Father are His sheep. The sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd because they know that the shepherd will guide them and protect them from danger. The comfort to know that He also understands the need of His sheep and His power is able to keep anyone from doing harm to them. The promise of eternal life is given to them than put their trust in the Shepherd. Fear of perishing is removed and love and safely in the arms of Jesus is secured. (john10)

Friday, May 24, 2013

John 7-8

“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be from God, or whether I speak from Myself.” What is the will of God? Doing His will will open our hearts to the secrets of God that are hid to the natural man. God desires that we become more knowledgable about the deep things of God. This is only done when we are willing to obey Him and draw close enough to Him to learn more about His nature. (John7)

From the depth of the soul flow the living water of God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills the believer with living water that will overflow into everlasting last. Any man that desires to have his thirst quench can come and drink at the source of living water and be satisfied. It is for whosoever will, it only takes willingness and desire for God to be fulfilled. (John7b)

It seems to be human nature to find fault with others and be blinded to ones own faults. We are so demanding of others that they meet a standard of living that we feel will bring the approbation of God. Judgement begins in our own house, examining are own life for inconsistency. Many blindly throw the 1st stone of condemnation, and walk away with a spirit of self-righteousness. Jesus is the light of the world, and He alone knows the hearts of men. May we learn to point all people to Jesus, and let His light shine on the life of others that they also may walk in the light of His love and mercy to sin no more. (John8a)

To be free is living a life of your own free will, not in bondage to serve someone against your will. Sin is a slave master that binds the soul to do the bidding of the devil. To be free from this bondage, one must accept the truth of their spiritual condition. The truth of the matter is Christ has the power to set the captive free. He is Truth and will destroy the works of sin and darkness. He sets men free from the bondage of sin to allow the spirit of man to seek His creator. Such was the plan of God since the foundations of the world.(john 8b)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

John 3-5

(John 3a) ?

Taking the back seat is not always easy, especially if the front seat gives you advantages and notoriety. Such was the life of John the baptist. He had a great following and many thought that he might even be the Messiah. But, John maintain a pure heart after the will of God. He knew his calling and was content to be the one who would blaze the trail for the Son of God. Not only a true prophet, but an example of true humility and submission. John picked up his cross and followed Jesus unto death. He took the back seat of popularity and lifted up the Son of God. (john 3b)

Life and it’s problem, conflicts, and misunderstandings often causes one to become dry and barren within the soul. The load is often too heavy and exhausting. The soul cries out for water for living water that will revive the heart once again. Surely, there is a well in this barren land of life. My soul is thirsty for something that will give strength and aid as I travel this journey of life. “Lord, give me of this living water, that I thirst not”. (john4)

There is nothing like a personal experience. Hearing about the wonderful works of God is great, but being able to experience it for yourself is something that will impact your life forever. Hearing the good news of Jesus and what He is able to do for you seems to good to be true, but once you have tasted for yourself of the grace of God, life takes on a completely new meaning. Like the Samaritans, I now believe because when He touched my heart, and life has never been the same. (john4b)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

John 1-2

From the beginning He was the light. Before the foundations of the world came into existence, He was making worlds and creating universes. Satan being cast to the earth turned the hearts of men to live in darkness. The law revealed to man that they were no longer children of light, but of darkness. But the light pierced the darkness and brought grace and truth to the hearts of men. Those who received the light became the children of light and were made sons of God and given power to overcome the darkness of the world. The Word gave power over sin and the light began to spread through out the land. (John1)

Standing by the river side of Jordan, John beheld the only begotten son of the Father. The lamb sent from Heaven to become the redeemer of men. The forerunner of the Messiah’s time was coming to an end. He who called men to repentance would step aside and make room for Him who would baptized men with fire and the Holy Ghost. John fulfilled his calling and faded away. His call was, “Take your eyes off of me, and behold Him who will save the world” Truly He is the Son of God. (john)

Miracles always astonish those who live earthly. To me, miracles imply that a super natural intervention took place. Do miracles still happen? I must confess my lack of faith when it comes to things happening that are out of the norm of natural healing or circumstantial providence. i believe that God has His hand in all things, but intervening in such a way that goes contrary to nature always arouses doubt of skepticism in me that causes me to scrutinize the validity of the “miracle” Yet, I know, based on God’s Word that He can do the impossible. He turned the water into wine and cause the blind to see. “Lord open my eyes that I may see the wondrous miracles that God has in stored for my life, may I see the clear water of life turn red with with the taste of everlasting joy.” (john 2)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Luke 23-24

Guilty of breaking the law, they hung side by side by the the guiltless one. The one who knew no sin. One malefactor still full of pride, anger and spite lashed out his resentment toward God and society. The other, seeing his profound sinful condition, humbled himself, confessed his deed and begged for mercy. The voice of Christ will ever ring in his ears through out eternity, “Today you will be with me in heaven”.  One died and went to hell, the other died and is with Christ even as I write. (Luke 23)

Morning came on the first day of the week. All seemed to be gone and hope destroyed. He who was to redeemed Israel had been nailed to a cross, pierced with a javelin, and buried in a borrowed tomb. But the circumstances of life were about to change. Sunday morning at the tomb turned from sadness to anticipation.  Many who’s faith was severely damaged by the death of Christ, still were hesitate to believe that He was Alive. But the word of Christ burned in their heart and He open the scriptures and revealed who He was. Indeed He is risen! Peace and Hope was alive. (luke24)

They were afraid that they had seen a apparition. How could this be? They saw him die on the cross, they witness his body being laid to rest. But, His words brought peace to their hearts, He calmed their trouble spirits and their faith began to grow. He touched their minds and truth was made real. He returned back to the Father, but hope and faith were alive. Let the world know, Jesus is alive and well. It was a day of celebration. (luke24b)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Luke 22

Even in the midst of pending death, the disciple’s only concern was who was going to obtain the highest seat of power when God’s Kingdom was establish. Before the days of Pentecost, they all sat around the table with Jesus for the Passover feast arguing and positioning themselves to be God’s special “pet”. The concept of being Crucified with Christ had not entered their minds. The price they were to pay to follow Christ was still in the shadows of their thoughts. The cup that they drank from had not yet become bitter to them. They would soon drink of that cup and realized the sting of death it represented. (Luke22a)

Being subject to the Father, Jesus prayed for strength to face the task that was set before Him. The life of the surrender is always ready to say, “Not my will, but thy will be done”. Peter’s carnal heart and love of self caused him to lose faith in the test of time. Peter learned a lesson that self determination is not enough to defeat Satan, He needed something bigger than himself to be what he needed to be in the time of crisis. (Luke 22b)

The power of darkness filled the night air as Judas kissed the face of Jesus. The power of darkness moved across the soul of Peter as he vehemently denied that he knew this man who was being arrested. The power of darkness caused the Roman soldiers to scorn and mock the Son of God and blaspheme His name. It was the power of darkness that caused men to hate and despise that which was good and holy. But, it was the power God that made it possible for the Son of God to give His life a ransom, so that the power darkness would be broken. (luke22c)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Luke 21

The last siege of Jerusalem and the desolation of her buildings will someday come to ruins and emptiness. The signs of the end of earth’s habitation have already begun and prophecy of Christ that those who love Him will be the outcast of the world. Christian will be the target of blame and many will give their live because they stood for what was right. They will testify of the grace of God and will be hated by those who despise the Word of God and hate those who stand by it. They can destroy the body, but they cannot destroy the soul, no, not one hair. (luke21a)

The events that take place before the coming of the Son of God can be seen and have been recorded in the history books of man. We live in a day where sin is the accepted norm and righteousness is scorn as a relic of the the past. The hearts of righteous men grow weary of the power of satan that has invaded the thrones of the world kingdoms. God has been forsaken and has been replace with liberal progressive tolerance of sin. Our hope is in Christ. He will return and those looking for Him will find redemption. The words of Christ will stand the test of time.(Luke 21b)