Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Matthew 21-23

The house of God is a place to connect with God. A place where hearts can be healed from the hurts of life and eyes can be touched to see God as it was intended. The enemy of of soul will try and blind us from the truth and get us focus on things of this world, but when we enter into the presence of God, miracles begin to happen. (mat21)

It is the faithful that will make it into heaven. It is one thing to say it and another thing to do it. May we be faithful to do what we say, especially when God speaks (mat21)

Rejecting the Gospel is not to be taken lightly. Truth rejectors will be judged and cast away from the presence of God. Hypocrites will not deceive God at the judgement. They may play the part here on earth, but the light of God will reveal who they really are. The Jews rejected God, and the gospel was turned to the Gentiles. (mat22)

All who die in Christ will some day rise again, God is a God of the living, not the dead. - There are really only two commandments to be concern with. If these two are practice, everything falls in place. Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as you would want to be loved. (mat22)

The heart of mankind is ever exalting itself in pride and power. It desires to have the preeminence over  others. The proud heart carries an air of superiority. What a rude awakening they will have when the humble shall be exalted and exalted shall be abased. (mat22)

The outward appearance of man is often mistakenly used as a spiritual thermometer of one’s spiritual commitment and love for God. It is true that a life given to God will demonstrate works of righteousness, but works without the Spirit are dead.  There is no substitute for faith and mercy. Without a living faith all of our righteousness are but filthy rags and will be discarded at the judgement. Mat 23

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