Thursday, January 31, 2013

Matthew 16-20

Jesus is the foundation, the Rock that our faith is built upon. The demons of hell will not be able to destroy any house that is built upon that foundation. To identity with this foundation, one must be willing to forsake all, take up the cross, and lose himself in Christ. (mat16)

The level of faith needed to accomplish certain task is a direct correlation to the our willingness to pray and fast. The impossibilities are made possible when we earnestly seek the father, and willingly sacrifice our base and natural desires. (mat 17)

The heart of a child is seen as being innocent and in need for one to care for it. A child depends on those older to take care and explicitly will put their trust in the one who cares for him/her. They submit to the rule and authority of those older than them. They know they are not strong enough to stand alone and rely on the strength of someone else. Jesus said, “Unless we become as little children, we will not make to heaven” (mat18)

The ability to forgive indefinitely goes beyond human effort. We must be willing to let go of our hurt, anger, and frustration and let God’s forgiveness flow through us. 70 times 7 seems a life time.(mat18)

The price of eternal life goes beyond keeping God’s commandments with respect to how we treat each other, it requires a total abandonment of our affections and desires of our heart. A full surrender to the the will of God to leave all behind and follow Him (mat19)

The gifts of God are given without respect of person. Salvation is provided to the young and the old  a like. Heaven is not earned by how long you have served God, but is gain by God who gives liberally to all who receive Him. (mat20)

The greatest people on earth are those who are willing to serve. If one is seeking to be great by climbing the ladder of power to rule, they have been deceived, and their fall will be great. Greatness among men is found when one is willing to lay down their lives to save another. Jesus paid the ransom for the world. (mat 20b)

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