Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Matthew 24-26

The signs of the end of the world have appeared in history in many parts of the world over the last 2000 years. Tribulation has come and gone and every generation seems certain that the time is drawing near when all things will end. The clock is still ticking, and someday it will strike midnight, and the abomination of desolation will occur. But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved. (Mat 24)

Being ready for the coming of Jesus should be the priority of one’s life. Nothing is more important in life than always being prepared for He may come at any hour. We cannot allow ourselves to be entangled with the world and it’s attractions. Our eyes should always be looking upward with anticipation that He will split the eastern skies at any moment. There is no time to get ready, we must be ready. (Mat 24)

Being ready for His coming requires that we have the oil of the Holy Spirit abiding in our hearts. Having a form of religion is not enough to make it to heaven. Keeping rules and ritual is vain if the Spirit of God is absent. The Holy Spirit (the oil) was promise by Jesus when He left. The Holy Spirit is the life that brings religion meaning and relevance. Without it, we stand outside the door knocking and entry will be refused. (Mat 25)

We never know who it is that we are assisting when we reach out to lift or help someone out. Helping others should be a selfless act without any strings attached. Lifting the load or provide for the needing if done with unselfish motivation is the core of Christian charity. It should not be a hardship, but a joy to be able to help and serve others. (Mat 25)

It is never wasted time when we take time to worship Jesus. God desires that we give our best and that which we value the most to Him in worship. Give of your best to the master, anything less is watered down worship. (mat 26)

What does it mean to do the “Will of God”? What is His will? What does He desire of me and my life? For Jesus, as He prayed in the garden, it was to go to the cross and die for my sins. For me, I live each day in complete submission to the circumstances that come in my life. They are not always pleasant, but because He is sovereign and all knowing, I will submit and commit myself to His will. Not my will Lord, but your will be done. (mat 26)

It would seem that determination is not good enough. Peter was determine that he would not fail God. But, when the hour of trail came, he found himself hiding and denying that he even knew Christ. Unless we wholly rely on Him for our strength, it will not be long until the devil will trip us up. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome fear and to stand strong when the hour of our test comes.(mat26)

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