Sunday, February 17, 2013

Matthew 27-28

Leaders who are self serving and full self righteousness will do their best to persuade others from following the truth. They know that the truth will liberate hearts to be set free of their control. Men who resist truth will do what they can to get others to also reject truth. We must not be persuaded by people who do not walk in Truth, less we find ourselves saying, “crucify Him” (Mat 27)

The crucifixion of Jesus was the ultimate price that demonstrated God’s love to the world. The Roman soldiers thought they were in control of this crucifixion, but He laid down His life of His own will. He could have called 12 legion of angels, but choose to take the road to Golgotha to suffer and die for my sins, and the sins of the world. The greatest love story every told. (mat27)

The veil in the temple separated the common person from the dwelling place of God, the Holy of the most Holy. The renting of veil at the death of Christ provide access to the thrown of God to all who desire to approach God’s presence. It is through the death of Christ that we now can come boldly to the throne of God and make our petition know to Him as Children of God who have had their sins washed in the blood of the Lamb. (mat 27:51)

He is ALIVE! He is RISEN! the good news of Jesus Christ coming back to life brought hope and a new beginning in the life of His followers. The enemy will do his best to squelch the truth of His resurrection, but truth cannot lay dormant. He came forth to proclaim to all who believed that they too can be made alive again. Go spread the good news to the ends of the world. He is ALIVE! and forever more will be. (mat 28)

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