Saturday, January 26, 2008

Faith in God

Judges 7:13-18
January 27, 2008

Gideon, a might man of courage and fortitude realized his inability to overcome the enemy. God stripped Gideon of any plausibility that the battle would be won through his own strength. The Lord takes the weak and empowers them with His Spirit to overcome the difficulties of life. We must have faith in God that He will enable us to see victory.

Willing Soldiers (Gideon prepares his army)
• Releasing the fearful
• Releasing the careless
• Retaining watchful
Weak Made Strong (vs13. Cake of barley)
• God takes the weak elements of our lives and uses them
• His power is made manifest in our weakness
• As a church, we are weak, but God is in control
Worried Enemies (vs14. God had delivered his enemy)
• The Lord was working and preparing the situation
• The enemy trembles when the saints start to believe God
Worship the Lord (vs.15. Gideon…worshiped)
• We draw our strength by worshiping God
• Through worship we begin to realize our weakness
• God is exalted and lifted up in the place of worship
Weapons of the Lord (vs16. Trumpet, lamps, pitcher)
• God’s weapons are not carnal- (man depended)
• God will often use the insignificant to His glory
Watch and Wait (vs17.19. Look on me…set the watch)
• Gideon’ men needed to obey to see the victory
• Don’t get ahead of God when doing battle-Wait for His orders
War Cry of the Saints (vs20. Sword of the Lord)
• Praising God for the victory that will be won
• Shout your faith- dare to go out on a limb
• With God ALL things are possible-Claim God’s promise
Warfare with the Enemy (vs22. The Lord set everyman against…)
• The battle is not ours, but God's
• We must rely of God to give us the victory
Winning to the Glory of God (vs23. Pursued after the Midianites)
• There is no god, compared to Thee O God!
• To God be all the glory

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Call of Gideon

Judges 6:11-16, 22-26
January 20th, 2008

Before heeding the call of God, one may often be faced with fears of uncertainty. “What does God really wants me to do?” Feelings of inadequacy and inability to perform the task plague the mind with doubt. “Does God really expect me to do this?” It is not until we see God for who He is that we begin to realize that it is not through our capabilities, but through the mighty power of God’s presence and His promise to go with us, that we can accomplish the task. We can rest in knowing that God will be with us and help us through our battles.

Visitation of The Lord (vs11. There came an angel)
• The ordinary world- Gideon doing his job
• Silent invitation- “Lord deliver us”
• Mercy of God to visit mankind
Valor Man (vs12. Mighty man of valor)
• What does it mean to be a valor person?
• Backbone, fearless, firmness, gallantry, fortitude, true grit
• Character that matters.
Verification of His Presence (vs13. if the Lord be with us)
• It is important to know that God is leading
• Gideon’s doubts seem to be founded-
Vessel of God (vs14. Thou ‘Gideon’ shall save Israel)
• God uses men and women to fulfill His will.
• He promises to “clothe us with his presence”
Void of Pride (vs15. I am the least…)
• Humbleness of spirit- God desires to use the humble
• It is not in our abilities, but our availability
Victory through God (vs16. Thou shall smite…)
• There is no god compared to thee O God!
• It is through Christ that we can do all things
• It is God who receives Glory- It is He who give the victory
Vision of the LORD (vs22. I have seen… the LORD)
• When we see the LORD all else fades away into the background
• Seeing Him for who He is.
Voice of Assurance (vs23. The LORD said… fear not)
• When He speaks all is well
• The assurance of knowing he keeps His promises
Veracity of Gideon (vs24. Gideon built an altar, and threw down Baal)
• Gideon is a true man of God and does what is right
• Returns to worship and opposes false worship

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The God of Host

Deborah and Barak
Judges 4:4-9, 12-16
January 13th, 2008

The oppression of sin soon becomes hard to bear, for the way of the transgressor is hard. It is not long before there is a cry out for deliverance from bondage. God in His mercy, once again, raises a man or women to fill in the gap and to make up the hedge. Deborah and Barak were willing to heed the call of God, picking up the sword and to go forward in battle. Their confidence and trust were placed in the God of Host who promised them victory.

Prophetess of God (vs1. Deborah, a prophetess)
• A woman close to God
• Women in leadership positions.
Proclaimed God’s Commands (vs2. Hath not the Lord…Commanded)
• Deborah know the mind of God
• It was assumed that Barak should also know what God wants
Procuring God’s Leadership (vs8. Go with me.)
• Barak- a weak man? Or a wise man?
• May all glory be reflected away from self.
Pursuit of the Enemy (vs13. Sisera gathered together all…)
• The harassment of the enemy
• The intimation of Satan- It does not look good.
• The enemy wants us to stay afraid and discouraged
Promise of Deliverance (vs14. Hath not the Lord gone out…)
• The Lord said He will give the victory
• Our we willing to let go and let God be God
• God’s promises are ours for the asking
Power of the God of Host (vs.15. The Lord discomfited)
• The Lord brought confusion to the enemy
• The Lord still used his creation for His purposes
Profound Victory (vs16. There was not a man left)
• It was God who gave the victory
• He destroys those who fight against His purposes
• Celebration of Victory (Deborah’s Song)

Israel's Sin and Salvation

Judges 2:11-23
January 6th, 2008
The people of Israel stayed victorious as long as they stayed faithful to God’s commandments, but they failed to take heed to the voice of God, and allowed self to take control. There failure to trust God and believe, led them to depart from the living God. This serves as an example for us, to remain faithful to God, and to obey His Word, lest we find ourselves shipwrecked and forsaken.

Conquest of the Land
(Josh.ch11:23- land rested from war)
• Johsua’s initial conquest- Not all
• Choose this day- We will serve God
• Cooperation among the tribe
Condition of Israel (vs11. Did evil)
• “They did not drive them out”
• Generation fallen to selfish living
• They played the “Harlot” with other nations
• They did evil in the SIGHT OF GOD
Condemnation of God (vs14. Anger of the Lord)
• God’s anger was “hot” against them
• He gave them up to the enemy (reprobate mind)
• They were always under distress- no peace of mind
Conquering the Enemy (vs16. The Lord…delivered them)
• The faithfulness of God to raise a deliverer
• God loves the backslider
Commandment Disobeyed (vs17 the commandments…they did not)
• Unfaithful to stay true to His commandments
• Forsaking His Word for selfish pleasures
Corruption of Morals (vs17 went a whoring)
• Went whoring after other gods
• Turned quickly out of the way
Compassion of the Lord (vs18. It repented the Lord)
• God hears the cry of those who earnestly seek Him
• God will not turn away a earnest heart
Covenant Transgressed (vs20. Transgress my Covenant)
• Keeping our promises- “Lord, If you will…)
• Honor and integrity is lost- no commitment
Consequences of Sin (vs23. The Lord left those nations…)
• Failure to deal with sin will come back to bite
• God’s help is withheld- Life is without hope without God

Contend for the Faith

December 1st, 2008
Jude 1-4, 17-25
The battle for our faith never ceases. The devil is out, here and there, seeking whom he may destroy. His objective is to turn us away from the grace of God and depend on the flesh. Jude is writing to all believers in Christ that they not be sidetrack from true doctrine of Christ, be on alerts, keep ourselves clean, live a life of prayer and love for all. Do what we can to warn other of false doctrine, showing them the true grace of God, hence saving them from hell fire. Above all, stay focus on God who is able to give us the victory for every battle.

Profile of Jude (vs.1. brother of James)
• May or may not be related to Jesus- Half brother?
• Servant of Christ
Preserved in Christ (vs.1. Preserved in Christ)
• To those that are set apart for a holy calling
• Kept holy through the blood of Christ
• Keep yourself in the love of God- vs.21
Pressing the Faith (vs. 3. Earnestly contend)
• Exhortation to continue on in the Faith- Don’t give up
• Fight for what is right- in the right spirit
• Hold on to the doctrine of Christ taught by the Apostles
Perversion of Gospel (vs. 4. Turning the grace…)
• Infiltration of ungodly men- they looked the part
• Turning God’s grace to be self serving
• Denying the Lord’s deity and lordship
Praying in Holy Ghost (vs. 20. Praying in the Holy Ghost)
• What does it mean to “pray in the Holy Ghost”
• Outcome: to make yourself stronger in the faith
Pulled out of the Fire (vs. 23. Pulling them out of the fire)
• Saving those from eternal damnation
• Love of God does persuade us to reach out to other
• Conscience of lost souls in need of Christ
Presented Faultless (vs. 24. Present you faultless)
• Sin will not be found in the believer
• Christians are KEPT – sustained by God’s grace
• Kept till the very end.
Praise and Exaltation (vs. 25. Be glory and majesty)
• He alone is worth of our praise- the only
• He has all dominion-control, and power over all-forever