Friday, March 22, 2024

Words in Action

  1 John 3:18
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Actions do speak louder than words. Words can be very effective when used to lift or encourage someone who is going through difficult times. Words do have meaning and are a very powerful way to communicate God’s love to others. But sometimes words can be hollow or insincere. Jesus tells a story of a person who was robbed and left for dead when certain religious men came by, and seemingly felt sorry for the man, but did nothing to help him. But it was the good Samaritan that didn’t speak words of platitude, he put action to his words and provided help for the injured man. John gives us an example of Jesus who not only spoke words of love and kindness, but was willing to die for us. The God of creation laid down His life that we may have deliverance from sin, so it provided a way to connect us back to our creator. Love is hypocritical when one has the means and ability to help, but is not willing to give when the need arises. Scripture makes it clear that salvation is not possible by doing good deeds. Laying down your life for someone else is admirable, but done in the absence of God’s love in the heart, the sacrifice is earthly and without heavenly reward. Work without love is dead, our deeds must be done in truth. We are not able to help or give our means for every cause that crosses our pathway, but God is faithful to show us His good will and pleasure. Let us not shut up our hearts of compassion, but let us open our hearts by putting words to action, to help our brothers in need.

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