Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Foundational Truth

 Matthew 22:29
Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.

Foundational truth of scripture is critical to have the correct interpretation and application of God’s word. Apologetics, defending the doctrine of Christ, is built on the premises that God is alive and desires a relationship with His creations.  Jesus shined this truth to the Sadducees, they assumed that there was no life after death, and tried to argue their teaching with the God of the universe, the one who laid the foundations of the world, and Himself was the Resurrection of life. If they could only see the futility of their efforts and the err of their ways. The Bible is given to us to show us the way to salvation and guide us in our daily walk with Jesus. The purpose of scripture is to lead us to eternal life everlasting. Understanding scripture for this purpose is essential and must be the foundation on which all other interpretations of scripture are given. In essence, Jesus told the Sadducees, “your premise is built on faulty thinking, you should be focusing on God's power to work in the lives of people, and God’s power to give life everlasting.” It is important that we rightly discern God’s word, for all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Tim 3:16). Jesus is in the Word, and the Word is with us. He has also provided us with His written word that we know the path He desires for us. Let us not get caught up with logistics and philosophical rhetoric to persuade the minds of people, but our focus is on the transformation of lives and showing others the power of God to give new life.

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