Thursday, March 28, 2024

A New Commandment

 John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you: that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Making His way to the last supper, Jesus had a basin of water ready. He took the basin and went to each of his disciples and started to wash their feet. The Master and Lord of all, the Creator of man, was on His hands and knees at the feet of His followers washing their feet. Peter was horrified that someone as honorable and great as Jesus would stoop down to be a servant and do what the work of the lower class of people in society normally did. I can imagine Peter’s thinking, “Hold on Jesus, this is beneath your dignity, you are the Messiah, the Son of God, I should be washing your feet.” Jesus, who loved His disciples, rebuked Peter, and explained to Peter why it was important that He wash their feet. The washing of feet is not given as a commandment from Jesus, it was done to demonstrate what it looks like to serve and love others. The commandment that Jesus gave was that the disciples were to have a servant’s heart, and love one another. Jesus demonstrated His love for them by washing their feet. To love as Jesus loved is an act of the will, and not a feeling or emotion. Showing love is not always preceded by a feeling and a desire to act. It is motivated by the knowledge that it is the right thing to do. It is the Love of Christ that controls our actions and the things we do. His love that dwells in our heart sets in motion how to act and love in a way that pleases Him. Real love that comes from God is not pretentious, or done grudgingly, it is made possible because the Holy Spirit dwells in our heart, and His Spirit compels us to love.

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