Thursday, March 7, 2024

A Strong Tower

Proverb 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.

The attacks of the enemy often happen unexpectedly. Towers were built in ancient times for many reasons, but most often they were a place to stage off attacks by invaders. It was a place of refuge, a place of safety.  A strong tower is fortified and structured to withstand a siege, to stand strong when the enemy attacks with accusations, persecution, temptation, and the trials of life. Jesus, the Name of the Lord, is our strong tower, He is our place of safety. We run to Him when it appears that the problems of life become overwhelming. The tower is a place where the child of God can find refuge when there is nowhere else to turn. A place surrounded by God’s protection and love. A strong tower is fortified to withstand the storm of life that comes crashing off the shores of a troubled sea. The Name of the Lord (Jesus) desires to wrap us in His arms, protect us from harm, carry us to safety. Run to Him. He is all we need. 

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