Friday, July 7, 2023

Rain Bread From Heaven

 Exodus 16:4

…Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you,..
Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide (Gen 22:14) the promise given to Abraham and now given again to the people of Israel as they make their way through the wilderness. Like Israel, we are making our journey through life in this world. Navigating are way through the difficult circumstances, traversing across unknown territory. We all face different unknowns and wonder how we will make it through our situation. The needs are different for each one of us. Some needs are material, others emotional or spiritual. The reality is that Jesus is all we really need. He is the bread that is rained down from Heaven, He will supply all our needs according to His riches in heaven. When we seek first Him and His kingdom all the things that we really need are added to us. God knows what we need and how to supply it. It is not always in the way we think, but our needs are met and His name is glorified, for He knows what is best. It is about to rain bread from heaven, start gathering your baskets for He is Johovah-Jireh, He is enough

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