Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Conform Not

 Romans 12:2
​​Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..

The pressure to conform to the WOK ideology has never been greater. The freedom to believe and think according to one's own conscience only applies to those who conform to the political correctness of this present culture. The world is defined in scripture as a life living in opposition to God’s moral law and the teachings of Jesus. The philosophy of the world is to trust the arm of the flesh and believe that self is the supreme god that rules. Every man doing that seems right in their own sight. As Christians, we are not to conform to the thinking of this world that is contrary to what is good and holy and acceptable to God. We are to present our lives as a living sacrifice to God. This is the will of God, that His people be transformed, set apart from sin, transformed by His grace, showing forth the gifts of God given to each one of us. The carnal mind has been renewed into the mind of Christ. Our lives are transformed, and seek to be more like Jesus.

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