Monday, July 17, 2023

Pray For Loved Ones

 2 Tim 1:3

I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of you in my prayers night and day.

The Apostle Paul took Timothy under his wings, and thought of him as one of his own. Paul probably had some influence on Timothy’s life, but much of Timothy’s life was influenced by his mother and grandmother Eunice and Lois. Their faith was true,  unwavering, and unshaken by the criticism and skeptics around them. They passed this faith on to Timothy. Sustaining this faith is not done by tradition that is handed down, it requires diligent prayer and supplication. Praying for those close to us daily is crucial in keeping the faith. Satan is relentless in his attacks. He seeks to defeat and destroy those who believe in Jesus.  Being rooted and grounded in faith is made possible through prayer. We need the Holy Spirit in our lives to give us the power to overcome the trials and temptations we face. When our faith is attacked, it is the power of God in prayer that will keep us faithful to the teachings of Christ and keep our relationship with God genuine and sincere. Those of us who have children, we have a responsibility to hold them up in prayer. Yes, we need to pray for the sick and the lost, but praying for our children should be a daily priority. We may not be able to help them in many ways, but praying that they will keep the faith and trust God in everything is paramount.

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