Friday, July 21, 2023

In The Cave

 1 Kings 19:12
And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

Elijah demonstrates the humanity in each one of us. Even the most spiritual person deals with discouragements, and even a level of depression. We often speak of living at the top of the mountain, and it is wonderful to live in such a state of mind both spiritual and emotionally, but the reality is life is a roller coaster of events that influence how we feel. We sometimes flee to a “cave” and isolate ourselves from the real world.  We have done all we know what to do and believe that we have obeyed God, yet we still question if God cares and sees where we are. Elijah could only see the moment, he was not able to see the big picture of what God had planned. He was hoping that God would send judgment from heaven to destroy the enemies of God, but God does it His way. We may think our efforts are all in vain, and the work we do is fruitless. But God whispers to us that He is in control and all things are going as planned. We are not alone in this battle, there are others who God is using to accomplish His will. He desires that we just trust and continue to obey His voice. Even in the “cave” God wants to speak to our hearts. Take courage, God is in control and He does all things well.

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