Monday, July 19, 2021

He Will Deliver

 Daniel 6: 16, 20, 23
Thy God whom you serve continually, he will deliver you...My God sent his angel, and has shut the lions' mouths...and no manner of hurt was found upon him (Daniel), because he believed in his God.
Daniel believes in God regardless of the outcome. The 3 Hebrew children who were thrown into the fiery pit did likewise. God does not always shut the mouths of lions. We believe that He can, but He may choose not too. God did not keep John the Baptist from being beheaded. Many heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 were not delivered from physical harm, yet they believed. They all looked for a better world, a world not made by the hands of man, but one that is built by God Himself. Like Job, we don’t know the mind of God and His eternal plan, but we know who God is, and we stand still and see God work through His creation. Let the lions roar, the fires burn, and the trials and tribulations come, we serve a God who is able to deliver us however He chooses.

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