Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tribulation in Life

John 16:33…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Tribulations are inevitable. Life without problems is to be expected on this earthly journey. Being a Christian does not exempt one from facing difficult times. God’s love does not mean that we will not face sickness, hard times, or even an early death. We live in a broken down world caused by sin and bad things will happen. People will be mistreated, things will be stolen, murder is in the hearts of wicked people. Blaming these things on God is often the first reaction of most people. Jesus warned us that life will happen and it will not always be good, but He promised us that He would not leave us or forsake us. In the mist of tribulation we can be of cheer. The world and all of it problems are overcome when we put our trust in Jesus. For He is the one who can take us through and bring us safely on the other side. We can be more than conquerers and overcome life’s trial and tribulations when we allow Christ to carry us through.

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