Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Building the Kingdom

Nehemiah 3:2 And next unto him builded
The building of the wall of Jerusalem was not done single handling by one person. Ezra and Nehemiah get a lot of attention and credit for the rebuilding of the wall and the temple, but it took the cooperation and contributions of many to make it happen. The work of the kingdom is not the job of only preachers and ministries of the gospel, but by everyone that names the Name of Jesus. We are workers together as we build the kingdom of God. Spreading the news that Jesus saves and wants all people of all nations to come together as one people. The world is made up of different cultures and speak different languages, but we all can be children of God, serving and loving Him. The church is more than just a building or a denomination, but a people, washed in the blood of Christ, working to build a better world by sharing the grace of God wherever they go.

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