Wednesday, June 20, 2018

To Die is Gain

Phil 1:21  For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Dying is not something one longs for. We do all we can to avoid the crossing of that river. In our old age, am told that there comes a point when one is ready to let go. suffering and pain overtakes the desire to live much longer, but in our youth and years of vitality, we seek to stretch out our days on this earth as long as we can. The fear of death is soften knowing that this world is only temporary and that our soul will live on forever. Living in Christ on this earthly journey prepares us for the gain we will receive when our bodies are laid to rest. It is a win -win situation for those who serve God. As long as God gives me breath, I will live for Him. For living in Christ is to have everlasting life, eternal life in the kingdom of God has begun. When it is time to depart this world, there is heaven to gain, and seeing Jesus face to face is all that matters.

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