Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Eyes of God

Ezk 8:12 …for they say, the Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth.

The heart is desperately wicked that it is blinded to fact that those that sin against God cannot hide from Him The things done in secret are open to God. He sees us even when we think we are all alone. There is nothing done in secret. The eyes of the Lord pierce beyond the walls and mask we hide behind. He sees beyond the outer shell of what others see, He knows the thoughts and indents of our heart. He is a jealous God and will not accept partial obediences. We cannot serve Satan and do the works of evil doers and still claim to serve the One true God and call ourselves Christians. He is a God of love and mercy, but He will not tolerate sin in our lives. If we sin, we must repent and return unto Him. He will not turn away a heart who seeks Him with all their heart. Like the Father of the prodigal son, He welcomes us with open arm and delights in our return. But we must leave behind the life's sinful pleasure and selfish gratification if we hope to see the grace and mercy of God extended.  

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