Thursday, November 9, 2017

Heaven is Real

Rev. 22:4  And they shall see his face…

Is heaven real? Heaven is not only a physically place made ready by God for those who have loved and served Him, but it is also a state of mind, and spiritual experience. We all strive to be ready at the end of life to spend eternity in heaven with our creator. “Entering into the gates for the first time, O what glory that will be.” To see Jesus face to face and be with Him forever and ever is what heaven is all about. No tears of sorrow will be shed and death will not exist. The curse of sin will be gone and we will have bodies made new and perfect. Heaven is real and it is the desire of all believers to some day see Jesus in all of His glory. Until then, the kingdom of heaven can dwell in our hearts by faith in the One who preparing a place for us there. 

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