Saturday, November 11, 2017

In The Beginning

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

His words says it, therefore I believe it! God created the universe, all of space and time. Science explains this creation as a “Big Bang” The master of all creation put into motion space and time, and hurled out the galaxies with all its stars. The universe declares the glory of God and His handy work. We serve a powerful God, who not only holds the world in its hand, but desires a personal relationship with man. He desires to walk and talk with us. In the vastness of His universe, He condensed to come to earth and give His life for you and me. How great is our God, how great is His name. From the beginning of creation, He had me on His mind. Who am I that He should watch over me and care for my needs. In the beginning God loved you and me. 

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