Tuesday, September 12, 2017

We Are Reconciled

2 Corinth 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
There was a day when my life was separated from God. I acknowledge Him as the creator of the earth and some cosmic power out there in the vast universe. I even attempted to win His favor by being a good human being and attending the means of grace by going to church and saying ritual prayers that had very little meaning to me. I did not know that there was a God who desired to dwell within me. But there was this gulf between us that kept us apart. Sin separates us from being fit to be in His presence. The plan of God was to bridge the gap between God and man. Because Christ, the God man, came to earth to take our sin upon Himself, we can now be reconciled, and be made right to have fellowship with God. We now see the world through different eyes, our life now has a new purpose and meaning. We are reconciled, all is now right.

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