Monday, September 18, 2017

Running the Race

Hebrew.12:1,2…let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…

Living the Christian life is compared to running a race. We start out realizing that Christ can save to the uttermost and He can change the direction of our life. We have made a new start and the race has begun. Our goal is to make it to the finish line. It is not who can run the fastest, but who can endure to the end. Many have started out in this race and have succumb to the pitfalls along the way. They have quit running the race. They have taken their eyes off of Jesus, the One who put them on the starting line. They have become weary in well doing, or the attractions along the way have caused them to take another path. They are weigh down with the cares of this world, or refuse to let go of sin. But to those who keep running, they are encouraged by the cloud of witnesses that have gone before them. Many who have endured temptation, held on to God no matter what came, and kept their eyes of Jesus. The end is close, we have come too far to turn back or quit running. Heaven is on the horizon, the finish line is near. 

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