Thursday, September 14, 2017

They Forsook God

Judges 2:12 …they forsook the Lord God of their fathers…

People are so fickle. As soon as things start going bad, they are ready to jump ship. The Israelites witness a mighty deliverance from their enemies by the hand of God. God wanted to do more for them, but their obedience came short. They were satisfied with the victories they had won and just wanted to kick back and take it easy. They started compromising with the life style of those they refuse to drive out. That is the way sin works in our lives. If we fail to fully conquer the sin in our lives, it will start to take control of the way we live. As Christians, we must let Christ crucify the flesh of our self will, and submit ourselves wholly unto the Lord. Sin will cause us to forsake the ways of God and turn to a life of serving self. Let us not stop short of letting the Holy Spirit complete drive out that sinful self. Let God sit on the throne of our life, making Him the King of kings, and Lord of Lord of our life.

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