Thursday, September 21, 2017

Praying Always

Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Does praying make a difference? Does prayer move the hand of God? Why is it important for Christians to Pray? Why pray, won’t a God who controls all thing do what needs to be done? So many questions about prayer that cross our thoughts. Prayer is part of man’s nature to seek a higher power and to worship a being that controls the destiny of fate. Jesus obviously thought it important to pray. He often petition the Father in prayer requesting the Father to show love, grace, and mercy to humanity. He prayed for His followers, and for those who sought to destroy Him. Did Jesus pray in vain if prayer did not matter? I think not. Prayer is an essential part of being a Christian. One does not survive spiritually if prayer in not a daily priority. There are numerous books written on prayer that address many of the questions I pose here in this writing, so I probably won’t say anything that is profound. Whatever you think of prayer, this one thing I know, God does hear and answer prayer. 

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