Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Thunderstorm from God

Hosea 6:3 if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,

After a long dry spell of warm weather, the falling of rain is refreshing. A good rain will wash away the debris and soak the ground with moisture to allow the grass and flowers to flourish. We have gone a few weeks without any significant amount of moisture here in the Denver metro area. I enjoy the dry air, but if we want to see the new life of spring, we need to see some rain. We often go through dry spells in our spiritual life, we go day by day doing what is right and doing our best to follow Him, but every once in while we need a thunderstorm from God. We need Him to come down from heaven and flood our hearts with His glory and presence. Let the heavens open up and let the rain of His love and grace fall upon us. We are in need of fresh outpouring of rain. Stay faithful to follow the Lord, cry unto Him and beseech Him for His presences. He shall come unto us as the rain.

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