Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Choosing Affliction

Heb. 11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

Choosing affliction really is not normal. Most of us refrain from anything that will cause us pain, discomfort, or hardship. Why would a person who seem to have everything the world had to offer at that time, refuse it? Choosing between wrong and right comes from a desire to live for God. It does not make worldly sense to reject popularity and riches for a path that will bring criticism and objection. Choosing to live a Christian life that is based on the teaching of God’s word will ostracize oneself from the mainstream of worldly thinking. The notoriety that the world offers and the pleasure that riches can buy are but for the moment. Like vapor, they will soon pass away and it will vanish. Choosing the values that are eternal, values that Christ taught believers. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Follow His commandment regardless of what the world and the progressive thinkers of this day may say. Standing for love, grace, mercy, and righteousness (right living) is contrary to human desires. Choosing Christ as Savior and Lord will change our desires and like Moses, we can choose to serve God over serving sin.  

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