Friday, March 17, 2017

Make the Right Choice

Gen 13:11  Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

Making the right choice is not always easy to make. We sometimes faces choices that appear to be easy to make. We choose the way that seems to less difficult to travel or a path that is already path for us. By nature, we take the way of least resistance. Why ask for more work than we need to do. The easy way is not always the best way. As Lot found out, he thought he was making the profitable choice by choosing the well water plains of Jordan, but Lot failed to seek God. We will never know what God would have told Lot if He had been sought, but the matter is that Lot made a choice without God. Taking a direction without the leadership of God often leads to unwanted circumstances. Making life choices that are strictly done with selfish indent are always a recipe for disaster. God wants us to make choices that will not hinder us from drawing closer to Him. Any choices that draws us away from God is probably the wrong choice. Choices that can determine our destiny must be made prayerfully and with a motive to please God. May we always seek God for those choices that are life changing. 

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