Friday, December 9, 2016

Encourage Others

Acts. 4:36 “And Joses, who was surnamed by the apostles Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, “the Son of Consolation”), a Levite of the country of Cyprus,”

Our personalities are shape genetically and environmentally. The influences that surround us often determine who we are. Barnabas had a way of bringing hope and cheer to those around him. He was a man who looked at life with the glass half full, instead of half empty. He lived after his name. He was a man who encouraged others in the faith. To those who had little, he gave of his own means, to those who others did not accept, he went out of his way to befriend them. No doubt, Barnabas’s personality was shaped also by knowing Jesus. Jesus, the One who changes lives and influences personalities to be kind and giving desires that everyone have a heart the will encourage others to look to God when things get hard. We all can be like Barnabas, bring hope to the hopeless, and encouragement to others who are going through tough times.

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