Wednesday, December 14, 2016

To Know God

1 John 2:3,4 “And hereby we know that we know Him: if we keep His commandments.
He that saith, “I know Him,” and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him.”-

To know God, is to abide in truth. Keeping God’s commandments is to follow the teachings of Christ to abstained from sin, love those who hate you, and to worship Him with all our hearts. If we love Him we will not do things that bring displeasure to Him. God hates sin and commands us not to do things that are evil, wicked and selfish. To know Him is to walk in light and not live in darkness. If our lifestyle is living to please the flesh and satisfy selfish desires then we have deceived ourselves in thinking we know God. We are living a lie if we have hate in our heart toward our neighbor. We are far from perfect. Life can be frustrating and things happen that can cause us to become bitter and resentful toward others. But knowing Christ is to have His love and Spirit that helps us overcome these feelings that invade our life. If we walk in the the light as He is in the light we can have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Christ will give us the powers to forgive and remain faithful to keep His commandments. Let us live to please God and keep His commandments.

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