Monday, August 15, 2016

Train Up A Child

Prov. 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”-

Bring up children in this day is no easy task. Probably the case for every generation that leaves God out of their lives. The culture that we live in no longer values the Biblical teaching of God’s Word. They take only what suits them and their agenda and exploit it for their cause. Discerning what is good and pleasing to God requires that one be guided by the Holy Spirit. Training up a child in the way they should go will take more than taking them to church. It will require consistent holy living by parents who desire their children to follow their footsteps. What is important in our day is for our children to  pick up the cross of Jesus and follow Him. Training a child up to follow God is to train them to see that they are sinners and need a Savior. To give their hearts and lives to Christ, and listen to the voice of God. Their is no greater pleasure for a Christian parent than to see their children live for God and train their children to also be seekers of God. No greater legacy can be left behind than to know that your children followed your footsteps. 

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