Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Giants in Our Lives

Numbers 13:20 “And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it.”-

The giants in our lives are symbolize by the problems and trails we face daily as we walk with God. As the children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness, they came up against an insurmountable challenge. The promise land they sought was inhabited by people that were strong and fierce. They appeared as giants and the people wept with discouragement. But, Caleb did not see giants, he saw God. His faith in God’s ability to overcome any obstacle caused him to shout out, “We are well able!” We look at life’s struggles and wonder how we are going to overcome the giants in our lives. Some giants are bigger than others, but we all face them. The giant of losing a loved one, giants of financial reversals, giants of relationships that are strained, or even the giant of discouragement. In the face of all these, we can be more than conquers if we put our trust in Christ. We can defeat the giants in our live and be over-comers through Christ that give us the strength we need. 

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