Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fear Not

Luke 2:10 “And the angel said unto them, “Fear not...”

We naturally fear situations that take us unaware. Our natural response is to pull back and flee any possible danger or threat to our well being. Often when God appeared to man, fear gripped the heart of those that encountered the super natural. But when Jesus appeared on earth, He came as a newborn baby. As He grew and became a man, people did not fear Him, they marveled at His teaching and were amaze to see how He healed the sick and made the blind to see. Jesus came to save and seek those who were lost and afraid. Christ comes to us with open arms and entreats us to come unto Him. We need not be afraid or fear, He comes to bring joy to the heart and and peace to the mind. Encountering Jesus is fearless and blissful. 

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