Monday, August 22, 2016

Falling Back

1 Corinth 10:12 “ Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.”-

Falling back into sin happens to many because they have become over confident in their own abilities and strength. We are no match for Satan and the deception he employs. Temptation to return to sin is made appealing because it does provide pleasure for a season. When the road gets tough, it is tempting to think that we had it better before we gave our lives to Christ. Temptation is real and it pulls at our human desires to be used in a way that is not pleasing to God. We cannot afford to think that sin cannot trap us once again. We must be ever diligent and on guard by staying in the Word, trust in Christ for deliverance, and praying for the Holy Spirit to give us the power to overcome the sin that can cause us to fall. We have not arrive yet, and we cannot be fooled into thinking that the longevity of our walk with Christ allows us to let up. Satan, as a roaring lion seeks whom he may devour. In time of temptation, we must flee to Christ who will provide a way of escape. He is our refuge and help in times of trouble. 

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