Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Without Love

1 Corinth 13:2b “though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, but have not charity, I am nothing.”- 
Without faith it is impossible to please God, and without love it is impossible to see God. Love, the greatest passion known to man. It will win over hate every time if it comes from God. Without love, our life has no purpose and it will end without hope. Every day we are given a chance to show love to God and to others. Having God’s love in our life and letting it work in our life should be the purpose we live. Our faith at times may be weak and we sometime may falter in our trust. Satan can bring discouragement and we faint in well doing, but love is a choice. We wake up each day and make the choice to love God and show our love to those we will encounter that day. Love must come from the heart and flow from a love for God. There are many people who show acts of kindness, but it does not flow from a heart that loves God. Paul even says, that a person could even be willing to die for someone else, but if done without divine love, it is of no worth. “May today bring me new opportunities to manifest the love of God to a hurting world, may His love flow through me so that others may say, ‘ I see Jesus’”.

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