Monday, October 5, 2015

Count For God

Psalm 39:4 ““Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is, that I may know how frail I am.”-

Every day is given to us by God, we must not waste time for we know not when time will come to an end. David desired to know how many years he had left to live, but our life is in the hands of God who knows the measure of our days. It is our responsibility to make sure that every day counts for God. The cares of life consume much of our lives. We toil through the day to make a living to provide food and shelter. We go to work so that we have the means to take care of our needs and our wants. We come home and take care of our homes and to be with our families. Our time is spent on legitimate things that are good and wholesome. But often the most important things in life are left out and only done if time is permitted. We must make our time count for God. Time to worship Him, time to talk to Him, time to read His Word and meditate on Christ. Time to serve in ministry to give of our time to show others the grace of God. This is what separates us from the world. Life is more than a journey of survival, it is a life lived in Christ. “Dear God, time is so quickly moving and my days and years will soon come to an end, help me to live each day for you and let each day count for God

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