Saturday, October 24, 2015

His Purpose

Ecc 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven”-
Winter, fall, summer, and spring, the four seasons of the year. Fall is now here and the nights are getting darker earlier, the evenings and days are cooling down. The leaves from the trees are all falling, and nature is going into hibernation. The season to prepare for the coldest part of the year. We may or may not like the cold weather to come, but God has designed it that way for a purpose. We live for God for a purpose, and God has His purpose for each one of us. Every purpose is timed in our lives by God. He see us when we are struggling and doing what we know is best. We go through times when we hurt, and we wonder why the test, but He has His purpose. We learn to trust God to do what is best and believe Him to fulfill His purpose in our lives. 

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