Saturday, March 30, 2013

Luke 3-5

John preached a radical gospel of repentance, humility, and selflessness. He cut to the root of the heart, pride and rebellion against God. If one is to truly turn their life over to God, it will require more than lip service. The choice to go with God will require a full surrender to God’s commandments. Such requirements can only be fulfilled when one gives their life to Christ and allows the Holy Spirit to Baptize the Heart with fire, purging the heart from all sin. (Luke3)

Temptation comes in many forms. We are often tempted to put our trust in earthly things and satisfied human desires in a way that is unholy, when we should be trusting God’s Word. Achieving position and power through unrighteous methods has corrupted many. Some will presume upon God’s love and mercy and recklessly do things that God has not required, one cannot ties the hands of God and demand that God do things that are not His will. Christ showed the way out of temptation. resist the devil, speak the Word, and stay focused on worshiping God alone. (Luke4)

He only needs to speak the word and it shall be done. The Devil fear and tremble when in the presence of Jesus. The blind see, the lame walk, and the demons of hell are cast out when He speaks the word. The devils that roam the earth are no match for His power and might. It is through the name of Jesus, the power of His will that we can overcome the wickedness of this day. Let us go forth baring the cross and invoking His Name and His Blood that was shed for sin and unrighteousness. (Luke4)

You will never know what might happen when you launch out in the deep. Spiritually, God will often call us to go into deeper waters, for it is only there where we will be able to experience what God has for us. As we begin to see the workings of God in our life we begin to understand how unworthy we are. He showers us with His blessings and does things that go beyond are expectation. No wonder the disciples were willing to forsake all that the world has to offer and to follow Christ in full obedience. (Luke5a)

Desperation calls for desperate means. Getting through to God will often require us to get earnest. It must become the overwhelming priority in our life if we want God to do great things in our lives. For the man with palsy, he convince others around him to see the need to go beyond the reasonable to accomplish the impossible. What may seem strange to others, is often the only way to get through to God. “Whatever it takes, to draw closer to you Lord, that is what I am willing to do.” (Luke 5b)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Luke 1-2

Believing God in the face of logic would seem to be unreasonable. Even the upright and obedient Zacharias struggles with what seem impossible. It is hard to go against reason, but such is often the case when it comes to trusting God to do the impossible. Zacharias did not ask for the impossible, he was told that the impossible would happen, and his faith refuse to grasp the significance of the promise. I don’t fault Zacharias, most of us would also fail the test of faith to believe God in the face of seemly impossible situations. (Luke1a)

The impossible is about to happen in the life of Mary. The Christ child will be her son in the flesh. The father would be the Holy Spirit. The promise given to her changed her life. Mary was overwhelmed with this news, but wavered not at the promise given to her. The angel already informed her, “With God nothing shall be impossible” All Mary could say was, “Let it be…”  Luke 1b

Magnifying the Lord and praising Him for His mercy is from every lasting to every lasting. He is good and all blessing come from above and are shed on those who take time to magnify and glorify Him in all of life’s situations. Such was the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. (Luke1c)

Fear of the enemy and fear of living in darkness is something to be concern with.  Serving God will allow one to live a life that is free of fear, and give one the freedom to serve God in holiness and righteousness until the day God calls them home. Those who sit in darkness and live in fear, He shed His light and shows the way out into the marvelous light of peace. (Luke1d)

What a glorious day for the shepherds watching their flock that evening. God fearing men who looked for the coming of the Messiah. Fear momentarily seized them, but were soon assured of God’s presence and His blessing. Without any hesitation, they obeyed the voice of the Angel and made their way to the foot of Jesus to give praise to God for the deliverance that was soon to come. (Luke2a)

Much is said about Jesus being left behind at the Feast of the Passover. The implications that Mary and Joseph were negligent to keep Jesus the focus of their lives can be made. That seems to be a human tendency found in many of us who often forget about Jesus as we go about the business of the day, but Jesus point out that the most important business of the day is doing the Father’s business. How often do we neglect the business of the Father because we are too busy with our own business. (Luke2b)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mark 15-16

The cry to crucify Jesus pierced the darkness of Pontius Pilates’ hall. Hate, envy, and pride ruled the hearts of the chief priest and the people. Who among them who saw the wondrous miracles of Christ to heal the lame and cause the blind to see would utter such a cry. Who among them who ever gazed into the eyes of Jesus and witness the love of Christ would cry out “crucify Him”. Sin and deception ruled that dark Friday morning. Yet He spoke not a word as He walked the dusty path up to Galgotha. (mark 15a)

The sun which normally shines down around noon was covered in darkness. For 3 hours the skies had the erie sense of doom. Jesus hung on the cross suffering and laboring to breathe. Sin nailed Him to the cross, sin scorned and ridiculed Him to the end. The hour had come, He took His last breath with the weight of sin on his breast, He gave up His life to redeem sinful man back to God. The veil of the temple was split in two and the cry of salvation was proclaimed “Surely this was the Son of God” Deity, the ultimate lamb, paid the ultimate price to set men free from the bondage of sin. The Love of God, how measureless. (mark15b)

It was a early in the morning on the first day of the week. The sun was peeking over the horizon. The Sabbath was over and the followers of Jesus were still bewildered by the passing events over the last couple of days. Faith in the future was dashed and shattered a fortnight ago. We often have our hopes and dreams fade away with the circumstances of life, but we who believe God are not without hope. Only believe and it will come to pass. Hope will arise again. He is Alive! He is risen, and He is Alive! (mark16)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mark 14

Staying awake is sometime tough to do. Spiritual lathery can cause one to become indifferent to the coming of Christ. It is certain that failing to watch for the signs of His coming will bring disappointment. 

Betrayal is hard to understand. It violates the basic premise of trust. It is unthinkable to realized that one would back stab the Savior, but greed and selfishness has no limits. Sin is no respecter of person, it will attack even those who are close to Jesus and blind them with pride and deception. (mark 14a)

Blinded by self interest, Judas was willing to call Jesus, “Master”. He gave the illusion that he was a servant of Christ and a follower of the Savior. It is not what we speak that really matters, but how we live that will determine our spiritual destiny. Not everyone that say, “Lord, Lord” will enter into the Kingdom. (mark14b)

The test to the believer is to see if they are willing to identify with the cross of Jesus. To be named among those who will take a stand against the popular opinion of the world and side with the truth of God’s Word. Denying Christ is to reject Christ. Peter overwhelmed with the possibility that he too would suffer the fate of Christ was willing to curse in anger. In a moment of weakness, Peter failed to stand for his convictions. In a moment of sorrow and regret, Peter wept himself back to Jesus. (mark 14:b)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mark 11-13

God expects fruit from those who call God their Father. Those who name the name of Christ will show forth fruits of righteousness. A tree that only has the outward appearance, but bare no fruit is doom for destruction and ultimately will be cast into everlasting fire. (mark 11a)

The measure of our faith will determine the extend that God will move in our behalf. There is a high correlation between answers to prayer and how much Faith we have in God to see it happen. The obstacles in our lives that hinder us can be removed according to our faith. It is the promise of Jesus, “it shall come to pass” if we don’t doubt and have faith in God. (mark 11b)

It was a sad day when the Jews rejected their Messiah. He came to deliver them from sin and set them free from their enemies. They rejected Christ, therefore Christ went to the Gentile who were willing to accept His claims. (Mark 12a)

Outward piety, without inward purity is nauseating to Christ. Professing to be godly without possessing  God inwardly is futility in the worse way. God is not looking for outward demonstration of morality, but is wanting a people who inwardly seek the righteousness of God in sincerity and humility. “”Beware of the scribes, who love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,“(mark 12b)

The end is sure to come. The signs of the time can be seen in the world all around us. Days of affliction increase world wide and conflict and tribulation arise in every part of the world. Those who put their trust in Christ and continue to believe that He will ultimately reign will see the end come and Christ take the throne and rule this earth. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly! (mark 13a)

Staying awake is sometime tough to do. Spiritual lathery can cause one to become indifferent to the coming of Christ. It is certain that failing to watch for the signs of His coming will bring disappointment. (mark 13b)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mark 7-10

There is no substitution for truth. Traditions and customs are useful for maintain cultural unity and identity, but they should never trump the Commandments of God. What are His commandments? “Love God with all you heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The actions and behavior of a persons is an indications of the condition of the heart. Where the heart is, so is its treasure. Sin originates from the heart of a person. The defilement of a person is not what is taken in, but comes from the motive of the heart. If the motive of the heart is to please God, then the actions  and behavior of a person will glorify God. (mark 7a)

Sin is like leaven in bread, under the right circumstances, it will begin to overtake the life. We must take heed that we do not let sin reign in our heart, but ask God to remove any trace that will hinder God from having full control. Mark 8

Great men will rise and many will greatly esteem their achievements, but there is only one who stands among them that is deserving of worship. It is He who is nailed to the cross, breeding and dying for all mankind. He and He alone, I will bow the knee and fall at His feet in complete obedience and surrender. (mark 9)

There is nothing in life worth having if it will keep you out of heaven. The pearl of great price is valued beyond anything one can imagine. riches, power, fame, and possession are all but dust when compared to the eternal value of being with God forever. It is better to be lame and destitute than burn in an eternal hell without God. (mark 9b)

The sacred vows of marriage are not to be taken lightly. It was ordained of God from the beginning of time that man and women would become one flesh. The unity of holy matrimony is not the institution of man, but of God. Disregarding vows given before God must be held with sacredness and conviction. (mark 10a)

To be first in the kingdom of God one must first know how to serve. To be great in the eyes of God, we must know how to humble ourselves before Him and before others. The secret of greatness is learning how to serve the needs of others. Christianity is a religion of love and servitude .(mark 10b)