Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mark 4-6

What kind of ground is your heart? Is your ground prepared to receive the Word of God. Jesus (The Word) knocks at the door of our heart wanting to come and take residence. Will we allow Satan to shut the door in the face of Christ, will our heart be so cluttered with that there is no room for Christ. May we have a heart that is open to Christ and may he grow and become rooted and grounded in our lives. (Mark 4:1a)

Life is like living on a boat out to sea. The journey is mostly calm and uneventful. But, the reality is that the sea is many times unpredictable and the unforeseen storm starts to effect the destiny of the boat. We fear the storm, not knowing if it will crash or sink. It can be comforting to know that the one who can control the storm is riding in the boat with you. One who cares and understands our fear and anxiety. He is able to still the storm at sea. (mark 4b)

The power of Christ to pardon sin is deity, the power of Christ to cast out demons is divine. There is no power on earth that is able to control the demonic powers of Satan. It is only through Christ that a soul can be completely cleanse and made whole. It is the power of Christ that sets man free. Sin will always bind and control people, but Jesus Christ came that to set the prisoner free to live a life in their own right mind.(mark 5a)

Touching Jesus is the passion of my life. The touch of faith brings life when life seems to have no purpose. Dead in trespasses and sin, touching the hem of His garment in faith stimulates the virtues of Christ to flow in my direction. He touched me and He made me whole. Life will never be the same again. (mark 5b)

Where was Jesus when John’s head was severed? These are hard questions that have no satisfying answer to those whose loved and grieved the death of John the Baptist. Where is God when bad things happen to good people? Why do the righteous suffer? Serving God does not guarantee a life without death or suffering. To the contrary, all those that live in Christ will suffer persecution. Evil visits the godly and ungodly, but the godly will rise again. (mark 6)

We often look at situations through the eyes of human capability. What is humanly possible? Without defining the laws of nature, we look at the circumstances and concede defeat. With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Take what bread you have, give it to Jesus, and He will satisfy the need. Harden not your heart, but believe that all things all possible to those who put their trust in God.(mark 6b)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mark 1-3

Being baptized with water is symbolic of sins being washed away. Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is symbolic of the infusion of new life. The baptism of Jesus Christ goes beyond the washing away of sins, the Holy Spirit comes to led us into all truth, leaving the ways of sin and walking in the light and dwelling the presences of God. (mark1a)

The healing power of Jesus heals the infirmities of people who cry out to Him. Jesus came to heal the sick and bring new life and hope to all who recognized their need to be made whole. The compassion of Jesus is no respecter of person. He loves all, but will only bring healing to those who want help. (mark 1b)

A new follower of Christ needs time to learn and grow. You cannot expect a new believer to reach spiritual maturity and to understand all there is to know about following God. They are but babes in Christ and not ready for the meat. You cannot put new wine into an old wineskins, anymore than you can expect new believers to handle the rigor of spiritual battle. The time will come when they will have to stand up and count the price for following Jesus. (mark2)

The Sabbath day was a special day of strict religious observance in the days of Jesus. The religious leaders of that day took the law way beyond the purpose and intend when God gave man the Sabbath. Jesus came and changed the rules and directed others to make it a day of showing grace and mercy. A day set apart for spiritual healing. It is important to abstain from secular work and indulgence, but it should not be a hindrance to worshiping God and showing acts of kindness. (Mark 3)

It is dangerous to tribute the work of God as the work of Satan. That which is wroth by the Holy Spirit is not to be taken lightly. Those that do the will of God are children of God and will recognized the hand of God at work. A child of Satan is in danger of hell fire because they refuse to acknowledge and be led by the truth that comes from the Holy Spirit. (mark3b)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Born Again in Christ

39 years ago today on a Thursday evening, February 21st, 1974 I knelt at an altar of prayer in Cucamonga California confessing my sins and asking Jesus to come into my heart. My life changed forever more on that Thursday evening. Rev. J.E Cook was preaching revival. I remember coming home that night with Pattie and telling my mother that I had accepted Jesus as my Savior. Things are different now, my coarse was set and I have never seriously looked back.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Matthew 27-28

Leaders who are self serving and full self righteousness will do their best to persuade others from following the truth. They know that the truth will liberate hearts to be set free of their control. Men who resist truth will do what they can to get others to also reject truth. We must not be persuaded by people who do not walk in Truth, less we find ourselves saying, “crucify Him” (Mat 27)

The crucifixion of Jesus was the ultimate price that demonstrated God’s love to the world. The Roman soldiers thought they were in control of this crucifixion, but He laid down His life of His own will. He could have called 12 legion of angels, but choose to take the road to Golgotha to suffer and die for my sins, and the sins of the world. The greatest love story every told. (mat27)

The veil in the temple separated the common person from the dwelling place of God, the Holy of the most Holy. The renting of veil at the death of Christ provide access to the thrown of God to all who desire to approach God’s presence. It is through the death of Christ that we now can come boldly to the throne of God and make our petition know to Him as Children of God who have had their sins washed in the blood of the Lamb. (mat 27:51)

He is ALIVE! He is RISEN! the good news of Jesus Christ coming back to life brought hope and a new beginning in the life of His followers. The enemy will do his best to squelch the truth of His resurrection, but truth cannot lay dormant. He came forth to proclaim to all who believed that they too can be made alive again. Go spread the good news to the ends of the world. He is ALIVE! and forever more will be. (mat 28)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Matthew 24-26

The signs of the end of the world have appeared in history in many parts of the world over the last 2000 years. Tribulation has come and gone and every generation seems certain that the time is drawing near when all things will end. The clock is still ticking, and someday it will strike midnight, and the abomination of desolation will occur. But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved. (Mat 24)

Being ready for the coming of Jesus should be the priority of one’s life. Nothing is more important in life than always being prepared for He may come at any hour. We cannot allow ourselves to be entangled with the world and it’s attractions. Our eyes should always be looking upward with anticipation that He will split the eastern skies at any moment. There is no time to get ready, we must be ready. (Mat 24)

Being ready for His coming requires that we have the oil of the Holy Spirit abiding in our hearts. Having a form of religion is not enough to make it to heaven. Keeping rules and ritual is vain if the Spirit of God is absent. The Holy Spirit (the oil) was promise by Jesus when He left. The Holy Spirit is the life that brings religion meaning and relevance. Without it, we stand outside the door knocking and entry will be refused. (Mat 25)

We never know who it is that we are assisting when we reach out to lift or help someone out. Helping others should be a selfless act without any strings attached. Lifting the load or provide for the needing if done with unselfish motivation is the core of Christian charity. It should not be a hardship, but a joy to be able to help and serve others. (Mat 25)

It is never wasted time when we take time to worship Jesus. God desires that we give our best and that which we value the most to Him in worship. Give of your best to the master, anything less is watered down worship. (mat 26)

What does it mean to do the “Will of God”? What is His will? What does He desire of me and my life? For Jesus, as He prayed in the garden, it was to go to the cross and die for my sins. For me, I live each day in complete submission to the circumstances that come in my life. They are not always pleasant, but because He is sovereign and all knowing, I will submit and commit myself to His will. Not my will Lord, but your will be done. (mat 26)

It would seem that determination is not good enough. Peter was determine that he would not fail God. But, when the hour of trail came, he found himself hiding and denying that he even knew Christ. Unless we wholly rely on Him for our strength, it will not be long until the devil will trip us up. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome fear and to stand strong when the hour of our test comes.(mat26)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Matthew 21-23

The house of God is a place to connect with God. A place where hearts can be healed from the hurts of life and eyes can be touched to see God as it was intended. The enemy of of soul will try and blind us from the truth and get us focus on things of this world, but when we enter into the presence of God, miracles begin to happen. (mat21)

It is the faithful that will make it into heaven. It is one thing to say it and another thing to do it. May we be faithful to do what we say, especially when God speaks (mat21)

Rejecting the Gospel is not to be taken lightly. Truth rejectors will be judged and cast away from the presence of God. Hypocrites will not deceive God at the judgement. They may play the part here on earth, but the light of God will reveal who they really are. The Jews rejected God, and the gospel was turned to the Gentiles. (mat22)

All who die in Christ will some day rise again, God is a God of the living, not the dead. - There are really only two commandments to be concern with. If these two are practice, everything falls in place. Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as you would want to be loved. (mat22)

The heart of mankind is ever exalting itself in pride and power. It desires to have the preeminence over  others. The proud heart carries an air of superiority. What a rude awakening they will have when the humble shall be exalted and exalted shall be abased. (mat22)

The outward appearance of man is often mistakenly used as a spiritual thermometer of one’s spiritual commitment and love for God. It is true that a life given to God will demonstrate works of righteousness, but works without the Spirit are dead.  There is no substitute for faith and mercy. Without a living faith all of our righteousness are but filthy rags and will be discarded at the judgement. Mat 23