Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Way of Holiness

Isaiah 35: 1-10
The future of the Israelites was foretold by Isaiah the prophet that the enemies that destroyed the land of Israel would be punished and put away. The promise of a new life was given to the remnant of God’s people. The day, in which we live, may be dark and hopeless, but God has promised that all will be set right and vengeance was His. With faith we look for the sweet day of release, when Christ will return with all His glory to reclaim the whole earth.

Solitary Places Revived- made to blossom

· The prediction of enemy destruction- Anti-Christ defeated

· What the enemy destroyed, God will revive

· The work of Christ and the pouring of the Holy Spirit

Singing the Excellency of God- with joy and singing

· A reason to sing

· We rejoice when He becomes our Lord

· Where is your song?

Strength to the Feeble- strengthen ye the weak hands

· Difficulty times still come- We need encouragement

· Those young in the faith need help

· Pray one for another- that we not fall away

· Lift up your eye, redemption draws nigh

Salvation Will Come- He will save you

· He is our deliverer

· He will do might works in our behalf

· Spiritual eyes and hears are open

Streams in the Desert- water shall break out

· Christ- the living water

· Ye who are thirsty come unto Him

Sanctification of God’s People- the way of Holiness

· Only the pure in heart will see God

· Life of Godliness of willful transgression

· A highway for pilgrims, only passing through

Safety on the Highway-no lion shall be there

· Stay on the highway and you will not be harmed

· Detouring off the highway is certain danger

· The shepherd protects His sheep

Sighing Will Flee Away- sorrow and sighing shall flee

· The return to the new Jerusalem with Christ

· All sorrow is gone- He will wipe away all tears

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