Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Promise Gospel

Isaiah 37:14-21, 33-38

The people of Israel suffered for their disobedience toward God. They suffered the consequences of their sin. Isaiah is given a promise from God of hope. A Blessed promise that a redeemer will come to take their sorrows away and give them new life and hope. What a comfort to know that all is not lost, that Jesus desires to take of life of sin and give us something worth living for in this world.

Cleanse from Sin- double for all her sins

  • Parallels to New Testement-
  • Captivity is over- Sin’s consequences
  • A people who knew better are forgiven

Consolation of God- comfort ye

  • The God of All Comfort
  • “My People” His desire to bring back

Comfort in Pardon- her iniquity is pardon

  • Proclaim His Promise
  • God still loves the sinner
  • Atonement is made-

Cry in the Wilderness- voice crieth in the wilderness

  • John the Baptist
  • Highway to be prepare

Crooked Made Straight- crooked shall be made straight

  • The World we be turned upside-down
  • All things pass away, all thing new
  • From darkness to light

Coming of Christ – the glory of the Lord shall return

  • Seeing Christ for who He is –Lord of Lords
  • The Salvation of the Lord

Controlled by God-Spirit of the Lord bloweth

  • Life is but a vapor- God controlled our days
  • He only needs to speak the word

Changeless Gospel- the Word of our God shall stand forever

  • The unchanging God- His word is still the same

Conquering Savior- God will come with a strong hand

  • More than conqueror are we- Through the blood
  • He will bring his people through- He will bring us through

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