Sunday, August 10, 2008

Drunk With Wine

Isaiah 28:1-13

The admonition given to us in scripture is that we avoid the use of strong drink. Israel found out the results of indulging in drink that caused the mind to error and judgment to stumble. The debate on weather a Christian should indulge in drinking alcohol is one argued by many contemporary Bible scholars of our day. Is moderation possible? What part does our influence matter? What is our responsibility to society and to the life of godliness? “Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit”

Debauchery of Wine- drunkards of Ephraim

· The sin of strong drink

· The influence of strong drink

· Christians and drinking in moderation?

Delusion of Strong Drink- beauty fade away

· The “pleasure” of drink

· Hang over of drink

· Satan always paints a beautiful picture

Destroyed by Indulgence- destroying storm

· Destroyer of homes

· Destroyer of self respect

· Debase and wasted

Day of Judgment- spirit of judgment

· God will judge the evil and wickedness of man

Deception of Wine- erred through strong drink

· The mind is impaired to think right

· Judgment is faulty – drinking and driving

Degradation of Man- full of vomit

· Lower the character of man

· Life is degraded and pitied

Deride God’s Instructions-line upon line

· God gives simple instructions

· He provide instruction is several ways

· The method of repetition

· They rejected God’s overtures with contempt

Drug Abuse and Godliness- “be not drunk with wine…”

· The safe way- Total abstinence

· Be drunk with the Spirit

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