Sunday, August 3, 2008

Song of Salvation

Isaiah 26:1-10

When salvation comes to the heart, a song is born. Christ who is our salvation from sin and eternal damnation causes the heart to sing out in praise, rejoicing in Him for His love and mercy. In the New Jerusalem, a song will be lifted up from all the redeemed. A chorus of voices will ring out the praises of God for He is mighty and worthy to be praise. The righteous shall sing out His name and give Him glory and honor. The unrighteous will face the judgment of God. God gave them opportunity, but they refused to acknowledge Him as Lord and King.

City of Jerusalem
• The Millennial Reign
• Surrounded and Protected by His Salvation
Celebration of Truth
• Song of Praise
• Only the Holy will truly praise God
Constant Trust in God
• Mind stayed on Him
• Peace that constantly abides
• We Serve a Mighty God
• Faith unwavering
Cast down to the ground
• Power of this mighty God will bring them down
• Blessed are the poor, theirs is the kingdom
Cry Of A Righteous Man
• His desire is to do the will of God
• Character of righteousness
• Bringing our life into harmony with God
• His name be glorified and He be lifted up
Condition of Sinful Man
• God has no choice- His justice requires judgment
• They rejected His mercy
• He refused to give God 1st place in his life
• They glorified not God, but became vain

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