Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Promise Gospel

Isaiah 37:14-21, 33-38

The people of Israel suffered for their disobedience toward God. They suffered the consequences of their sin. Isaiah is given a promise from God of hope. A Blessed promise that a redeemer will come to take their sorrows away and give them new life and hope. What a comfort to know that all is not lost, that Jesus desires to take of life of sin and give us something worth living for in this world.

Cleanse from Sin- double for all her sins

  • Parallels to New Testement-
  • Captivity is over- Sin’s consequences
  • A people who knew better are forgiven

Consolation of God- comfort ye

  • The God of All Comfort
  • “My People” His desire to bring back

Comfort in Pardon- her iniquity is pardon

  • Proclaim His Promise
  • God still loves the sinner
  • Atonement is made-

Cry in the Wilderness- voice crieth in the wilderness

  • John the Baptist
  • Highway to be prepare

Crooked Made Straight- crooked shall be made straight

  • The World we be turned upside-down
  • All things pass away, all thing new
  • From darkness to light

Coming of Christ – the glory of the Lord shall return

  • Seeing Christ for who He is –Lord of Lords
  • The Salvation of the Lord

Controlled by God-Spirit of the Lord bloweth

  • Life is but a vapor- God controlled our days
  • He only needs to speak the word

Changeless Gospel- the Word of our God shall stand forever

  • The unchanging God- His word is still the same

Conquering Savior- God will come with a strong hand

  • More than conqueror are we- Through the blood
  • He will bring his people through- He will bring us through

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer Works

Isaiah 37: 14-21, 33-38

The situation for Hezekiah looked mighty bleak. He was faced with an enemy who was proven to be formidable in battle. He realized that his small army would not be able to stand against such a force of destruction. But, Hezekiah had a connection to the God of all kingdoms and his faith drove him to his knees. Satan will do all he can to cause us to despair and doubt God’s care for us. It is times like these that we can claim the promises of God and take it to God, and trust Him to bring us out.

Difficult Situations- received the letter

· Crisis often drives us to our needs

· The storms will cause us to cry out

· Communicate with God, in the valley and mountain top

Dependence on God- he went to the house of God

· Take it to God in Prayer- He is not our last resort

· Lean not to your own understanding, lean on Him

· Not by our means or the works of men, but…

Deity Rules- even thou alone

· Acknowledge Him as God and God alone

· Not by chance, but by providence

· He rules in the affairs of man

Defender of God- reproach the living God

· Glory and honor given to God

· Not by the power of man, but God is lifted up

Deliver Us- save us from his hands

· The righteous cry- God Hears

· God delights and desires to hear us call out

· In His time- God will deliver

Declared by God- thus saith the Lord

· Hearing an answer from God- Assurance

· Through His Word, His servants- preached word.

Defending His Own-I will defend this city

· God has a leash on Satan

· The Promise of God to Keep us from danger

· Staying true and believing He is able

Defeat of the Enemy- the angel smote the camp of Assyrians

· God sends His angels to do battle

· God also allows circumstances to stop the enemy

· Christ, our shield of defend, and sword of victory

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Way of Holiness

Isaiah 35: 1-10
The future of the Israelites was foretold by Isaiah the prophet that the enemies that destroyed the land of Israel would be punished and put away. The promise of a new life was given to the remnant of God’s people. The day, in which we live, may be dark and hopeless, but God has promised that all will be set right and vengeance was His. With faith we look for the sweet day of release, when Christ will return with all His glory to reclaim the whole earth.

Solitary Places Revived- made to blossom

· The prediction of enemy destruction- Anti-Christ defeated

· What the enemy destroyed, God will revive

· The work of Christ and the pouring of the Holy Spirit

Singing the Excellency of God- with joy and singing

· A reason to sing

· We rejoice when He becomes our Lord

· Where is your song?

Strength to the Feeble- strengthen ye the weak hands

· Difficulty times still come- We need encouragement

· Those young in the faith need help

· Pray one for another- that we not fall away

· Lift up your eye, redemption draws nigh

Salvation Will Come- He will save you

· He is our deliverer

· He will do might works in our behalf

· Spiritual eyes and hears are open

Streams in the Desert- water shall break out

· Christ- the living water

· Ye who are thirsty come unto Him

Sanctification of God’s People- the way of Holiness

· Only the pure in heart will see God

· Life of Godliness of willful transgression

· A highway for pilgrims, only passing through

Safety on the Highway-no lion shall be there

· Stay on the highway and you will not be harmed

· Detouring off the highway is certain danger

· The shepherd protects His sheep

Sighing Will Flee Away- sorrow and sighing shall flee

· The return to the new Jerusalem with Christ

· All sorrow is gone- He will wipe away all tears

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Drunk With Wine

Isaiah 28:1-13

The admonition given to us in scripture is that we avoid the use of strong drink. Israel found out the results of indulging in drink that caused the mind to error and judgment to stumble. The debate on weather a Christian should indulge in drinking alcohol is one argued by many contemporary Bible scholars of our day. Is moderation possible? What part does our influence matter? What is our responsibility to society and to the life of godliness? “Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit”

Debauchery of Wine- drunkards of Ephraim

· The sin of strong drink

· The influence of strong drink

· Christians and drinking in moderation?

Delusion of Strong Drink- beauty fade away

· The “pleasure” of drink

· Hang over of drink

· Satan always paints a beautiful picture

Destroyed by Indulgence- destroying storm

· Destroyer of homes

· Destroyer of self respect

· Debase and wasted

Day of Judgment- spirit of judgment

· God will judge the evil and wickedness of man

Deception of Wine- erred through strong drink

· The mind is impaired to think right

· Judgment is faulty – drinking and driving

Degradation of Man- full of vomit

· Lower the character of man

· Life is degraded and pitied

Deride God’s Instructions-line upon line

· God gives simple instructions

· He provide instruction is several ways

· The method of repetition

· They rejected God’s overtures with contempt

Drug Abuse and Godliness- “be not drunk with wine…”

· The safe way- Total abstinence

· Be drunk with the Spirit

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Song of Salvation

Isaiah 26:1-10

When salvation comes to the heart, a song is born. Christ who is our salvation from sin and eternal damnation causes the heart to sing out in praise, rejoicing in Him for His love and mercy. In the New Jerusalem, a song will be lifted up from all the redeemed. A chorus of voices will ring out the praises of God for He is mighty and worthy to be praise. The righteous shall sing out His name and give Him glory and honor. The unrighteous will face the judgment of God. God gave them opportunity, but they refused to acknowledge Him as Lord and King.

City of Jerusalem
• The Millennial Reign
• Surrounded and Protected by His Salvation
Celebration of Truth
• Song of Praise
• Only the Holy will truly praise God
Constant Trust in God
• Mind stayed on Him
• Peace that constantly abides
• We Serve a Mighty God
• Faith unwavering
Cast down to the ground
• Power of this mighty God will bring them down
• Blessed are the poor, theirs is the kingdom
Cry Of A Righteous Man
• His desire is to do the will of God
• Character of righteousness
• Bringing our life into harmony with God
• His name be glorified and He be lifted up
Condition of Sinful Man
• God has no choice- His justice requires judgment
• They rejected His mercy
• He refused to give God 1st place in his life
• They glorified not God, but became vain